Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Adachi Toka - "Noragami"

Her entertaining manga, "Noragami" has wonderful facial expressions and fluidity that just screams, "please read me." Adachi Toka also has a great ability to add in enough detail to make a difference in art. If one part of a character's hair is missing, then the whole page looks wrong.
The coloring in each page is also well done.
She also created "Alive: Saishuu Shinkateki Shounen."

good sense (/+v+)

Yoshinaga Yunosuke - "Break Blade"

Yoshinaga Yunosuke's "Break Blade" has an interesting setting and environment for the storyline to continue. His character designs are also interesting because of the setting and when the events are probably taking place.
All the pages have good depth and detail to each character and machine with the right angles for enjoyment.

also an anime adaptation (*v*)

Naked Ape - "[switch]"

Naked Ape creates wonderful work and started out with a career of making doujinshis. Sometimes the character differentiation can become a bit confusing; however, they are drawn well to depict what their intentions are.
We can feel the emotions from each character's posture and expression. I personally think this shoujo label was a good choice for us ladies =v=///
Naked Ape's other works include "Dolls", "Lily", "Magnolia", and "Yasha", these exlcude any doujinshis and not recommended works (not to our tastes).

yesss (//e_e)//