Sunday, June 29, 2014

AKI - "Olimpos"

Choosing which sections for this blog was hard for all of us. Her artwork is gorgeous and cute.
So, we just chose a couple from the first chapter of "Olimpos".
aki-sama (/o_o)

Takeuchi Tomo - "Ballroom e Youkoso"

Her only work, "Ballroom e Youkoso", is exhilerating and delicious. I want to somehow eat up all her artwork.
We all just agreed that she's amazing and hilarious.
i give ☆☆☆☆☆

Akizuki Sorata - "Akagami no Shirayukihime"

Her art style is quite unique and detailed even with simple lines. I love the slight shading and how it is used to make the story seem to pop out.
Her "Akagami no Shirayuhime" presented great detail even to the scenery.

such warmth ♥♥

Kamatani Yuhki - "Shounen Note"

One of my favorrites! Kamatani Yuhki's "Shounen Note" caught my attention with it's delicious artwork and creativity. Good Very good.
Kamatani Yuhki also created "Nabari no Ou", which became an anime. Wonderful artwork (/*v*).

Shounen Note:
(/*q*) yum

A Start

Just a blog for myself and friends who will start a career away from the manga life. We will miss the beautiful artwork of our favorite artists (and will forget them as well). Hopefully, they continue their works and become even better at creating wonderful pieces.