Friday, July 4, 2014

Hoshino Katsura - "D. Gray Man"

This amazing and wonderful artist has fallen ill with a broken wrist. She's currently in hiatus and we are all worried for her health. Her stories and art are improving so much!
Feel better, Katsura!!! (/>o<)

Get better, Katsura!! (/;o;)/

Karakara Kemuri - "Donten ni Warau"

Karakara Kemuri draws with splendid imagination and thought to the characters. I personally think that the eyes she colors in are unique in "Donten ni Warau".
Several of her other works include, "Replica", "Shikigami x Doctor", "Takeru - Opera Susanoh Sword of the Devil", and "REverSAL".

handsome art (/'A')

Ishida Sui - "Toukyou Kushu"

Ishida Sui's first anime, "Toukyou Kushu", cam out recently and I was so excited! We look forward to the new anime and how it will turn out with such a fast-paced speed. Episode 1 already hooked the second chapter and even possibly the third.
The artwork imrpoves greatly and the storyline gets better. We just love the character developments and plot twists... But mostly the characters >v</// The manga is finally animated!!!!

kaneki! (/*v*) kushukushukushu

Happy Independence Day!!!!

We hope that everyone has a great Fourth of July. We're going to play with fireworks~
I'm not in this btw (/=o=)